This fencing project has been on the list for quite some time. Eric was able to get it started Friday after work. Phase 1 was this wooden segment placed about half way down the drive from the mailbox. Mimicking the lay of the land, the tops of each board will be cut later.

From there five-strands barb wire run up the hill behind the garden (phase 2) marking the north property line of MHf. This line joins the pasture where the hen house is located. Future plans are to permanently fence the entire 80 acres breaking it into daily paddocks using temporary electrical fencing (the white lines in the photo above).

Phase 3 was to run electric wire and turn the cows lose in the over-grown area. Eventually this area will be planted with fruit trees and the cows are a wonderful start to amending the soil. In this photo Abiageal and one of the calves joyously munch fresh grass which is about three feet high.
All this in one weekend! Phase 4 was to kick our shoes off and then collapse with a cool glass of water!!
(click on any photo to enlarge)
Labels: cows, fencing
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