green tomatoes galore!

You get the idea. There's 101 ways to prepare green tomatoes. And if you want 'em, we've got 'em! Too bad the intense summer heat prevented much of a ripe harvest, but there's plenty to go around now! is packed with ideas. (If anyone braves the cake, let us know!)
With this year's harvest coming to a close, seeds for next year's garden have already been ordered. An internet search led us to Amishland Heirloom Seeds. She's got some amazing tomatoes!! Pink, red, white, purple, yellow, green. We'll start them indoors under the shop lights and see how they do. Heirlooms are great in that you can save the seeds and grow the exact same plant the following year. The trick, however, is leaving plenty of space between varieties to eliminate cross-pollination.
Eric's Endeavors ~
Spent the weekend freezing onions, peppers, and green beans. The outdoor garden is just about done for the year so we're trying to preserve as much as we can. Also, caught some pretty large crappie yesterday. I'll be down at the pond again tonight trying to stock the freezer with fish.
Labels: -green beans, -onions, -peppers, green tomatoes
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