Your sleep will be sweet?
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet." Proverbs 3:24

However, as good as NOAA can be, the cows are better. Our sleepless night started around midnight. The cows in the neighbor's pasture were making horrible cow noises that resembled honking geese. Our bull took the command in responding which set us on alert. You see, some of the cows next door are in heat. And when our bull responds, it usually means one thing: "Hark! Somewhere there is a damsel in distress. I must help her." Great! Does our bull have to be a hero in the middle of the night? Out of bed & venturing outside, we find him properly constrained at home. Apparently the cattle were just jittery about the pending storm. Back to bed.
Out of bed every hour or so just to shut off and listen to the alert. Then came the distant roll of thunder and sparks of light in the sky. Out of bed. It's 3 am. Clear a path in the barn to pull in the vehicles (even the tractor). Move the bull and two older ladies into the pasture with the heifers so they have overhead protection in case of hail. Back to bed. Lie awake realizing what hail could do to the garden. Push that thought aside because there's nothing large enough to cover the garden, anyway. Out of bed several more times thanks to the alert. Out of bed again - what? It's morning? You've got to be kidding!
Tonight we are clutching the last part of this verse 'til our knuckles turn white. "Your sleep will be sweet." "Your sleep will be sweet." Hope you have a restful night, as well.
(PS: If you're up for a challenge, try moving black cows in the middle of the night!)
Wow - what a night! I wonder if you are already asleep tonight! Hopefully the coyotes and the roosters won't be singing at the full moon. Sleep well!
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