Monday, June 28, 2010

container gardening and ??

Every so often a deal comes along that's just too good to pass up. This week had two such events and MHf took full advantage of them. The first was a satellite greenhouse set up in a parking across from Eric's office. Everything was 50% off! We grabbed fruit bushes, herbs, edible flowers, and a few other tidbits. The second was Stone Creek Nursery in Hesston. Everything there was 70% off!! Hence, more of the same. Check out the list of up & coming produce here. (Scroll down passed the garden plan.)

Craigslist led us to a guy delivering 5-gallon buckets to Wichita in a few days. Works like a charm! After adding a few drain holes and dirt from the garden, we were good to go. The dreaded rock garden around the front door finally has a purpose! With much work remaining to prepare the beds, these buckets will serve quite nicely until then.

Allow us to introduce...
...the newest addition to the MHf herd. B&E Spring calved early evening June the 24th. The little heifer is doing great and has made fast friends with the other calves.

Spring is such a good mama and has never had any trouble calving. She didn't mind us getting up close & personal, but stood very close the whole time (and then licked off all human contamination after we walked away!).

Taken a few hours after birth, this photo is proof of what a good farmer/cow relationship can lead to. Because Spring is so comfortable with us, the calf learned right away not to be scared of us. Once in a while she gives us several minutes to pet her all over. Making physical contact is necessary to maintain that trust.

Her sister (Abiegeal) is almost a year old now and still loves to have her neck and back stroked. When we're in the pasture, Abiegeal walks right up to us for the customary rub down.

(PS: This heifer has no name, yet. If you know of any Irish names for a girl, please leave a comment!)

(click on any photo to enlarge)

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