Wild cows [part 1]

Think way back to last summer (when it was warm!). While browsing craigslist, we found an ad for a Dexter cow/calf pair. The price was phenomenal - almost two for one! And (and) they offered to deliver!! Immediately, we called. And almost just as quickly we learned why the price was too good to pass up. These cows were wild. Very wild.
You see, a gentleman in Kingman Cty purchased the pair and then sold them. After their move they escaped and wreaked havoc on Hwy 54 for several days, maybe a week. Calls were coming into the 911 dispatch office in record numbers. Finally, one of the 911 dispatchers had the men in her family rope them. Due to the unstable temperament of the pair, the new owner had no interest in their return telling the ropers they could handle the matter as they saw fit. Hence, the ad on craigslist.
"How wild could they be?" we thought. "Once they get to know our herd, they should settle down. Right? Right." [Remember, we are new at this 24/7 farming thing.]
Okay. The day of delivery arrived. We had everything ready. Gates were secure. Fences were strong. Water tank was full. Here we go!
Everything was lookin' good (yea!). To avoid injury to the young animals in our herd, we had the pair to run with the older animals. For the first 45 minutes, all of the animals literally ran the pasture. There was no slowing down. While they ran the entire pasture, they were especially interested in the northeast corner. (What's up with that?) Tired of watching everyone run in circles, Eric and I went about our business. Every few minutes one of us would peek outside to make sure all was well. And everytime we peeked, all was well. And then it happened!
Part 2 will be posted next week. Until then, stay warm and enjoy today's sunshine!
(PS: Chicks arrived this morning!)