taking a break
Things sure have slowed down on the farm, haven't they? The garden has been retired and eggs have virtually disappeared. Aligned with the change of pace, MHf has decided to take time off from deliveries. The first two months of the year are the least intrusive as far as the schedule of labor is concerned. So, this week will be the final delivery to each location until March, 2011. We realize December has 5 weeks, but Christmas seems like a good place to pause. Besides, we're just ready for a break.

This brings us to another aspect of customer orders. While the website clearly outlines the specifics for on-farm pick up, MHf has been a bit lax when it comes to enforcing those specifics. However, interest in the MHf CSA program continues to draw attention (the most-recent three months especially). MHf has been invited to speak to several groups regarding the CSA program and continues to receive email inquiries. For the sake of all CSA customers, MHf must stick to its guns when it comes to on-farm pick up. While some customers have been exempt from the CSA program for various reasons, we're sorry to say that this, too, must come to an end. While we appreciate everyone's business, we feel this decision is the best route to building a viable CSA business. For more information on becoming a CSA customer, please read here.
During our hiatus, nothing will change regarding weekly emails and updates to the In Season page. The only change will be the customer's access - primarily because the cattle are grazing along the driveway and the gate is generally closed. For CSA customers, please call with an estimated time of arrival so we can walk down and open the gate. For all other customers, the gate will be open each Saturday from 2-4 pm. All customers should keep in mind, though, that it's a good idea to email or call with your order. We'd hate for you to drive out if there is no product for you.
MHf appreciates your understanding of our need for long-awaited rest and rejuvenation.
Labels: CSA, eggs, winter garden
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