coming and going
The chicks are here, but they've been nothing but trouble since their arrival. Saturday morning we started with 24 and we're already down to nine or ten. The heat & humidity, one too many days in transit, summer hatching - it all adds up to weak chicks. If they weren't staggering around the pen, they were lying down and too weak to make it to water. We moved them four times Saturday trying to find the best location for their comfort. This breed, La Fleche, is an experiment to see if MHf can maintain it's own flock of meat birds. Ordered back in April, their popularity and scarcity put MHf on the waiting list. Hence, the July delivery. Photos will be posted at a later date (if any survive long enough to pose).

MHf is going to the KS State Fair!! A few weeks ago the Simply Kansas program called asking if we'd like to showcase MHF in their booth for one day during the Fair. Of course we would!!! And we'd love to see as many customers as possible. If you're in the neighborhood Thurs, September 16, please stop by the Simply Kansas booth for a thank you gift.
Eric's Endeavors ~
The fall garden is progressing on schedule. Cooler temperatures and fewer insects make for better-tasting produce.
Labels: chickens, KS State Fair, Simply Kansas
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