Monday, September 27, 2010

colossal carrot

No, this 14" carrot is not from our fall garden. It came from Sam's and every carrot in the bag was comparable in length. Bigger is not always better (okra, for instance), but in this case it wasn't too bad. But have you noticed that bigger, larger, longer seems to be a growing trend in the supermarkets? The frankenfish salmon comes to mind right away. We were at Dillon's the other day and saw Honey Crisp apples the size of a softball. One apple could almost make the whole pie! It's actually a bit discomforting. For the record, MHf has no interest in manipulating beyond the naturally intended growth pattern of any product. Fall green beans are looking really good, though! The combination of purple and green makes for an eye-catching order.

Had another Angus/Dexter bull-calf born last week. He wandered underneath the electric fence and couldn't figure out how to get back. As we were trying to guide him back into the paddock, he went through the barbed wire fence and into the neighbor's field. Just a day old, the little guy was easy enough to grab and carry back. He was a bit nervous, though - can you tell?

Eric's Endeavors ~
It's nice to have cooler weather - finally.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Rooster's Call

MHf is expanding its product line! And we are so excited!!

Working with Prairie Fire Coffee in Wichita, MHf now has its own coffee: Rooster's Call. Available in 8 oz bags, it'll get your day going! Custom-blended Rooster's Call will be available all year supporting the fact that MHf CSA shares never expire.

Pair it with a Sunrise Muffin and you'll be set! Warm one (or two) in the microwave, let that butter soak in and swallow it with a little MHf java. Mmmm...too good to pass up!! Check out the Rise & Shine Special listed here.

As a result of the State Fair, MHf is now negotiating with ???. Also available year-round, we hope to reveal it next week.

Said good-bye last week to five cows from our herd: Molly and her bull-calf, Jack's mama and her heifer, and Baldie [self-appointed baby sitter of all newborns]. We miss them, but needed to sell since we were three over the limit of the land. MHf has a bit of room to grow again. Have no fear, though - grass-fed beef is still on schedule for next spring!!

Eric's Endeavors ~
Nothing much going on right now. Was gone all last week so I'm still playing catch up.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

only three more days!!!

Only three more days until MHf is at the State Fair!! We hope to see many of you throughout the day. All current customers will receive a free gift as a 'thank you' for visiting us!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

end of summer

No more A/C. Sleeping with the windows open. Blasted out of bed by the rooster's crow! The joys and perils of farm life!! The garden is still resting after the intense summer heat, but we do have a few new items this week. Casaba melons are ready for the harvest - finally. They were a long time coming, but worth the wait. Not too sweet, not too bland, they taste like a mild honey dew. Some say they taste better at room temperature, but we like them refrigerated. Sweet potatoes are ready, too! Varieties include Beauregard (yellow flesh/yellow skin) and O'Henry (creamy flesh/white skin - but still sweet).

Found this odd little guy in the garden the other day. Just think, had it not been for this non-conformist, the others would have never been caught on film! It immediately brought to mind two things: 1) this quote at the top of the CSA Program page of the website, and 2) the first part of Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world..."

Please note a new entry added to the Schedule of Events page. We'd love to have you join the class!

Eric's Endeavors ~
Bought big round bales of brome & prairie hay from the neighbor and started moving them a week or so ago. Was able to get the rest moved this weekend with a whole day to spare. Because of no rain, the cows have already received two bales. We moved the herd into the first garden spot for next year. We'll throw in bales and let them do their thing to get the soil ready. Right now, we have three new garden spots marked off which would expand our planting area by at least four times.

[click on photo to enlarge]

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